Sunday, October 28, 2007

Keeping "Chiari Malformation" is stored in the back of "MY" mind!!

Well coming up on week two since the decompression was done, had the staples removed last week and things seem to be going alright?
After finally finding out what the cause was to my symptoms, I sit and continue to just keep getting more pissed off because of the way my treatment went for almost 3.5 years??
You Know when I would go to my previous hospital (New England Baptist Hospital) and they had a flag flying saying they were voted to be one of the top ortho spots in the country?
I just can't figure out how?
Simple point and fact, I asked for medical records and doctors notes from the neurologist that my neurosurgeon sent me to concerning my condition for the surgery I just had, I received a confidential fax of a woman's complete medical plus copies of her insurance cards a week after surgery and to boot not even MY info!!
Thank God I got away from the Surgeon at that group!!
I'm pooped and I'm going to see if I can catch another hour of sleep?
I'll see if I can start getting a little more regular with the posts.
Mark From Boston

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