Tuesday, October 23, 2007

"Find a Doctor who'll sit and Listen about your Symptoms!!

Having a specialist is important but having a Doctor who has an attention span of a Nat or that does not follow up with any of the test they require you to have is a waste of your time!
He gets paid for his?
I am and forever requesting that any tests blood, MRI, CT anything done on me I want a copy and the prognosis. Having the questions to go to the office with on the day of your appointment no matter how trivial keeps you current and all the office staff realizes your on top of your care.

Put together a record resume, go back 10 years or when you think it's worth chronicling your health and keep it updated and always somewhere when traveling.
Point in case with being fused from my skull to c5 and having the Chiari decompression done there is only one way I can be int abated if they try any other way they could kill me!

This blog is for keeping people updated with Chiari and I'm in Boston and want to put a group who would like to meet and get to know Primary doctors, pain management doctors (because there is always going to some kind of pain) as well as neurosurgeons in our area.
So let's put our heads together and help each other out. After dealing with most of the Y groups you get mostly prayer offering which is fine but you need someone that will take care of the condition??

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