Thursday, November 8, 2007

Well the Holidays are right around the corner and what should we Do??

My wonderful wife for the past almost four years now has had to deal with "ME"!
If you've been reading along, she has had to deal with my 10 surgeries, getting me back on my feet, running the house and basically doing everything I have not been able to do for the past years?
So my question to everyone in earshot is how do I try and make these coming holidays a time she can enjoy herself, the grand babies and the kids??
She needs a break!! Not at any time has she gone out of her way for just doing something for her. So I need some help with how to make a wonderful person feel she doesn't have to do a thing for a while a way for her to mind to just rest??


Beth said...

Hi Mark!
Great to find your blog. I have CM too...haven't had my FIRST surgery yet but hope to soon! As for your wife to maybe make her holiday special? A woman wants her house just so during the holidays but with all the craziness, shopping, working, etc. it's hard. Maybe if one day you know she is going to be out for a few hours, call in a cleaning service and have them do her cleaning for her. THere's NOTHING more wonderful for a wife or mother to come home after a hard day and find the house spotless and everything in it's place! Also you could maybe call on someone to shop for a bunch of Christmas goodies such as; cookies, cakes, candies, pies etc. as we ladies love to make these things for our families but it can be exhausting especially if we're already covered up with other tasks. Finally, if your CM allows, a nice foot or back rub, along with a nice glass of wine and some romantic Christmas tunes is ALWAYS a winner! Hope this helps! Take care and Have a Merry Christmas!!

Alan Curtis said...

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